Friday 27 March 2015

Behind the curtains...

Wondered who makes your investment worth it???....well wonder no more the cat is finally out of  the bag....
introducing the two vibrant, phenomenal women of substance that make you smile all the way.

1.Miss Nyambura Kihuyu, all about style, she is the queen of transformation. She will  bring the best of you..artistic is the only word for her.
Her hands are magical, anything she touches turns golden..
Management is her favorite word.

Image result for rahiddomodels

2. Miss Ng'endo Kinyanjui, vast with current affairs...knowing its happening before it even happens, the kenyan version of the negotiator for those that have watched that mind blowing movie.
Always at the right place at the right time for the right reasons.
spontaneous describes her best.

3. Miss Muthoni Mbugua, better known as 'the closer'..she will put across any deal anywhere and anytime  giving you logical reasons why rahid'do is the only place to be.
she will take you through why rahid'do models are the only models equipped with both wit and beauty.
She is the Legal face..she ensures everything is in perfect legal order.
with her the boys in blue should worry you not.
Tactical is her only way of living.

We are located in Kiambu County also known as Nairobi suburbs...we simply create that bridge for our models,brand ambassadors to meet their goals of hitting the runway, promotions,beauty pageants and events. With our able professional team working under us we provide promotional models for promotions and event marketing jobs.
Rahid'do is unanimously respected for its professionalism in all areas especially with our able clients.
We go out of our way to ensure our clients needs are met. For us passion and talent is our driving force.

You can email us at
or call; 0736776630, 0721451875, 0712245910.


  1. The boss ladies. Kudos ladies great stuff

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